You're in a small grocery store, looking around for the same forgettable items you buy every week. Only everyone is looking at you, angrily. And it's not too hard to figure out why. You're naked.
Well, not completely naked. You have a condom on your dick. It's not entirely obvious why. You haven't spent a load in it. It's just there, and since it's the only thing you have on right now, you decide you don't really want to take it off. You continue to grab your groceries as people complain and look at you angrily. Let them look. Let them complain. You know nudity is legal here. You're well within your rights to go grocery shopping naked if you want to.
You step out of the store into the parking lot and head over to your car. Actually your parents' minivan, a dark green Dodge Caravan. Fuck! It's not there. You're looking around, wondering if someone stole it or how it could just disappear. Where the fuck did it go? Who the fuck would steal a 10 year old minivan? You walk hastily up and down the parking lot looking for the damn thing when you see a car pull up to the curb.
A soldier steps out, not in combat fatigues but in a dress uniform, kinda like the uniform in the Navy commercial. He raises a rifle into the air and you freeze. He fires a shot into the air. All you're thinking about now is that the bullet will come back down to the ground at about the same speed that it left the muzzle, and you don't want to be in any area where that bullet could possibly be coming back down. You don't even notice whether you're still naked or not. When the soldier puts the rifle down, you begin to move, hoping the van is around somewhere.
Now things get truly weird. And scary. Commander William Adama, Commander of the Colonial Fleet, steps out of the car. He takes the rifle from the soldier and shows him how it should be fired. You turn to watch as you walk. Adama points the gun into the air and fires. This time, you can see the projectile moving through it's arc, like the bullet is moving in slow motion. But it's not a bullet; it's an oddly misshapen hunk of metal that flies out of the of the rifle, wobbles up into the air, slows, stops, and falls back down to the ground on the opposite side of the street.
Suddenly Adama turns towards you and shoots. His aim is inexplicably sharp. He doesn't level the gun at you and fire. Instead he's still pointing it up in the air and shooting at you indirectly. Again you can see a misshapen hunk of metal fly into the air and fall towards the earth, right near where you're standing. You guess where it's going to land and frantically dodge just as a hunk of metal resebling a bent up square bar far too large to be fired from a rifle lands where you were half a second ago. He adjusts his angle and fires again. Another hunk of metal comes wobbling through leaves of the tree you're now standing under and lands by your foot. You're running now, watching over your shoulder, hoping that a fictitious hero will just leave you alone.
I'm on the bus, with my brother and Kenley, a friend from my undergraduate years. He puts on some headphones and I dedide that I'd like to listen to some music too. I want something high-energy, so I go digging for my MSI cd.
I don't find it soon enough, because Kenley has decided he wants to get off at this stop. So the three of us get off. It's a bright, beautiful day outside, and the bus stop looks like a park. After wandering around just long enough to let the bus take off for its next stop, I realized I left my bag on the bus.
Now my parents are here with me and Kenley is not, but I don't think anything of it. I walk up to some people sitting on a bench. Two older people and a young woman. I guess that she's a freshman about to start college and the older people are her parents. I tell them I left a bag on the bus and ask them if they know where it was heading or when it might get there, hoping I can call the bus company and let them know I have a bag on that bus. But they aren't any help. So I do what any sane person would do in this situation. I wake up.
Well, not completely naked. You have a condom on your dick. It's not entirely obvious why. You haven't spent a load in it. It's just there, and since it's the only thing you have on right now, you decide you don't really want to take it off. You continue to grab your groceries as people complain and look at you angrily. Let them look. Let them complain. You know nudity is legal here. You're well within your rights to go grocery shopping naked if you want to.
You step out of the store into the parking lot and head over to your car. Actually your parents' minivan, a dark green Dodge Caravan. Fuck! It's not there. You're looking around, wondering if someone stole it or how it could just disappear. Where the fuck did it go? Who the fuck would steal a 10 year old minivan? You walk hastily up and down the parking lot looking for the damn thing when you see a car pull up to the curb.
A soldier steps out, not in combat fatigues but in a dress uniform, kinda like the uniform in the Navy commercial. He raises a rifle into the air and you freeze. He fires a shot into the air. All you're thinking about now is that the bullet will come back down to the ground at about the same speed that it left the muzzle, and you don't want to be in any area where that bullet could possibly be coming back down. You don't even notice whether you're still naked or not. When the soldier puts the rifle down, you begin to move, hoping the van is around somewhere.
Now things get truly weird. And scary. Commander William Adama, Commander of the Colonial Fleet, steps out of the car. He takes the rifle from the soldier and shows him how it should be fired. You turn to watch as you walk. Adama points the gun into the air and fires. This time, you can see the projectile moving through it's arc, like the bullet is moving in slow motion. But it's not a bullet; it's an oddly misshapen hunk of metal that flies out of the of the rifle, wobbles up into the air, slows, stops, and falls back down to the ground on the opposite side of the street.
Suddenly Adama turns towards you and shoots. His aim is inexplicably sharp. He doesn't level the gun at you and fire. Instead he's still pointing it up in the air and shooting at you indirectly. Again you can see a misshapen hunk of metal fly into the air and fall towards the earth, right near where you're standing. You guess where it's going to land and frantically dodge just as a hunk of metal resebling a bent up square bar far too large to be fired from a rifle lands where you were half a second ago. He adjusts his angle and fires again. Another hunk of metal comes wobbling through leaves of the tree you're now standing under and lands by your foot. You're running now, watching over your shoulder, hoping that a fictitious hero will just leave you alone.
I'm on the bus, with my brother and Kenley, a friend from my undergraduate years. He puts on some headphones and I dedide that I'd like to listen to some music too. I want something high-energy, so I go digging for my MSI cd.
I don't find it soon enough, because Kenley has decided he wants to get off at this stop. So the three of us get off. It's a bright, beautiful day outside, and the bus stop looks like a park. After wandering around just long enough to let the bus take off for its next stop, I realized I left my bag on the bus.
Now my parents are here with me and Kenley is not, but I don't think anything of it. I walk up to some people sitting on a bench. Two older people and a young woman. I guess that she's a freshman about to start college and the older people are her parents. I tell them I left a bag on the bus and ask them if they know where it was heading or when it might get there, hoping I can call the bus company and let them know I have a bag on that bus. But they aren't any help. So I do what any sane person would do in this situation. I wake up.